The Perfect Succulent Soil Mixture 🎍


Hello Plant Lovers.

I talked about my small-scale shopping recently. I also told them about soil materials. Finally my supplies arrived. As soon as I arrived, I immediately started mixing and planting my plants. While planting the plants, I wanted to share this soil mixture with you. Many of you may know, but if there are those who do not know yet, maybe they can be informed thanks to this article.

Cocopeat and Coco Husk Cips

Cocopeat; It is the shredded form of the fibers found on the outer surface of the coconut shell. It has good drainage. It has 60% water and 40% air retention. It helps plants grow healthier by absorbing water and creating spaces. I use this instead of soil on many of my plants.

Cocohusk; It is the coarsely shredded outer part of the coconut shell. Although it is mostly used in orchid soils, I use it to provide comfort to the roots by creating spaces in the pot.

Vermiculite and Red Volcanic Stone (Lava)

Vermiculite; It is a clay mineral that emerges as a result of the natural erosion of mica. It is rich in magnesium. The shape you see above is obtained with high heat. It is effective in soil regulation as it is useful in drainage and air intake. I have been using it for a long time by mixing it with my plant soils.

Red Volcanic Stone; If I use a pot without a drainage hole, I always add this stone to my soil mix. Sometimes I use it for decoration on the tops of my pots. Sometimes I add it to the soil. Sometimes I use it for drainage to the bottom of my pots without holes. Thanks to the stone pores, it absorbs the excess water in the pot. Thus, it prevents rotting of the roots. As it prevents the formation of fungus and mold, it ensures that the soil is fertile.

Vermicompost and Perlite

Vermicompost; It is obtained by passing food through the digestive systems of worms. In short, we can say worm excrement. Thanks to its slow release, it ensures that the soil receives the nutrients it needs for a long time. I am using this fertilizer for the first time in my soil mixes. I think it will be beneficial for my plants as it will increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. I was careful not to add too much while adding. Two tablespoons was enough for me.

Perlite; It is the most familiar substance for regulating soil drainage. Its structure is light but its function is very high. It absorbs water up to 90% thanks to its pores. Due to its structure, it provides benefits in aeration of the soil. It is a substance that must be used in soil mixtures of all your plants.

You see the structure of my soil, which I obtained by mixing all the ingredients. No matter how hard I squeeze the soil, they don't stick together. Thanks to the materials I used, I obtained a very well-ventilated soil. In this way, root rot will not occur while watering my plants. Many people say that cacti do not like water. Actually, this is a wrong thought. Cacti also love water, but due to excessive watering and wrong soil mixes, root rot occurs and the plant dies.

I planted my newly purchased plants in the soil I prepared. I hope they grow well. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact me in the comments section. Take care of yourself and your plants.


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